Building Your Family Caregiver Toolkit: Strategies for Supporting Loved Ones to Get Well
As a family caregiver, you likely hold many roles; schedule coordinator, finance manager, advocate, cheerleader, spouse, parent, child, and sibling — not to mention your external relationships like boss, employee, and volunteer. But when your loved one is in a depressive episode, you may need to take on even more roles and responsibilities as you support them in getting professional care. Your self-care may take a back seat as you try to balance everything. Unfortunately, ignoring your own wellness often leads to stress, overwhelm, and, sometimes, your own battle with depression. This is where your caregiver toolkit can come in to provide hope and keep you well.
Susan Weinstein, JD
Susan Weinstein, J.D., serves as Co-Executive Director of Families for Depression Awareness and Editor in Chief of Care for Your Mind, a mental health advocacy blog. She has been with the FFDA since 2012.