Essential Facts About Mental Health: Resources for Caregivers

Date Posted

May 21, 2024


FFDA Staff

Facts About Mental Health Woman Smiling on Computer

When a loved one is struggling, it’s natural to want to have all the answers. Supporting your loved one, navigating the mental health care system, and finding time for your self-care can be challenging, often leaving you overwhelmed and unsure of where to seek help. We provide facts about mental health through our downloadable fact sheets to guide you in caring for someone with mental health challenges.

You’ll find a wealth of information covering topics such as understanding depression, available treatment options, and caregiver resources. The fact sheets provide valuable insights and practical strategies to better understand and support your loved one’s mental health. Consider printing these sheets out or bookmarking this article to refer back to when you need it. 

When you click the fact sheet links below they will be directly downloaded to your device as a PDF document. This article will be updated each time we create a new resource for caregivers.

Facts About Mental Health: Adults

Learn the basics about adult depression, bipolar disorder, treatment, and planning for a mental health crisis. 

Facts About Mental Health: Teens and Young Adults

Know how to recognize the signs of depression in teens and be the trusted adult they need.

Additional Caregiver Resources

Facts About Mental Health Building Your Caregiver Toolkit

Building Your Caregiver Toolkit

Expand your caregiver knowledge and strengthen your confidence with our variety of useful resources. 

We hope these facts about mental health serve as a valuable resource in your caregiving role and ensure that you are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to provide the best care possible.

If you’re looking for more information, check out our educational webinars, inspirational family stories, and expert interviews

Remember, you and your loved one are not alone. Reach out to mental health professionals and support groups who can provide guidance and emotional support. Stay strong, stay informed.

Updated May 21, 2024