Avoid Symptoms of Depression During the Holidays by Volunteering

Date Posted

December 9, 2024


Alex Greene

Avoid Symptoms of Depression People Volunteering Food Bank

The holidays can be an isolating time for me because I am hundreds of miles away from my family. I don’t celebrate major holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas in traditional ways. And, because I am vegan and sober, it’s challenging to find dinners and social gatherings that are sober and align with my dietary preferences and compassion for animals. All of the above combined with the cold weather makes it easy for me to lean toward isolation and experience symptoms of mild to moderate depression during the holiday season. With this in mind, I decided it was time to look for strategies to avoid symptoms of depression.

This holiday season, I returned to volunteering. My return to volunteering has been a way for me to disrupt my tendency to isolate during the winter holidays, as well as keep away the holiday blues. In this blog post, I’ll discuss how volunteering promotes mental wellness and share types of volunteer opportunities you and/or your loved one might be able to plug into locally.

My Reflections: Avoiding Symptoms of Depression Through Volunteering

Promoting Social Connection

Avoid Symptoms of Depression People Embracing in Group Hug From Behind Group

Volunteering provides me with social connection and social connection boosts my mood. I’m recently unemployed and, because my job served as my main vehicle for social connection, volunteering has given me an opportunity to chat and laugh with people. As I handed out over a hundred heads of cauliflower to seniors, I discussed topics like the recent election and food recipes with the volunteer next to me.

Distributing clothing at the free clothing store was a special treat for me as my first customer was a 6-year-old girl named Angelique, who primarily spoke Spanish. I had to dust off my Spanish skills to help her find zapatos blancos (white shoes) and una camisa roja (red shirt) in her size. I stumbled over words, of course, but I was amazed by how much joy I experienced from being able to converse with someone in another language and how brightly Angelique smiled when I asked her what her name was, “¿Cómo te llamas?”

Learning New Skills and Embracing Talents

Volunteering allows me the chance to learn new skills and feel like my talents are playing a small part in helping make the world a better place. I recently started making digital marketing content and videos for an organization. In order to do this, I had to teach myself how to use new software, create video animations, and design images that stand out on social media. The process of learning completely consumed my attention, which did not allow me to focus on feelings of loneliness and not being around loved ones. The process also provided me with a deep sense of accomplishment and pride in using my creativity to create something from scratch.

I know it sounds silly, but I experienced a small flutter of joy in learning how to use a dry mop and a mop bucket as a volunteer janitor. I was embarrassed to admit to the lead volunteer that I had never used this type of equipment before and needed to be shown how to use it, but they were understanding and patient with my inexperience. After that, I was a mopping rock star!

Ideas for Volunteer Opportunities That Make a Difference

Avoid Symptoms of Depression Holiday Card Handmade Presents on Cover

Holiday card Alex made for seniors.

There are many ways to get involved in your community. In the past month, I have

  • served food to homeless people
  • distributed free clothing to individuals experiencing poverty
  • distributed farmers’ market produce to seniors experiencing food insecurity
  • performed janitorial services for a food pantry warehouse
  • created digital marketing educational videos
  • created homemade holiday cards for senior citizens experiencing isolation.

You can find similar opportunities in your area by searching online volunteer databases like VolunteerMatch.org, contacting local food banks and homeless shelters directly, or reaching out to community centers and senior living facilities. Many organizations are especially in need of volunteers during the holiday season and will gladly welcome your help. Religious organizations, even if you’re not religious yourself, often coordinate volunteer activities that are open to anyone wanting to serve the community. Consider volunteering with Families for Depression Awareness –  fill out the volunteer form to get started.

Volunteering Promotes Wellness and Helps Avoid Symptoms of Depression

I feel happier because of my volunteering experiences this past month. I was able to avoid symptoms of depression. I feel more connected to humanity because of the conversations I have had with the people I’m serving and other volunteers. I feel useful, creative, and accomplished. I get excited by the idea that I can find a volunteer opportunity in almost any area I’m interested in. The only obstacle I’ve found with my plan to continue volunteering throughout the holidays is that volunteer slots fill up quickly because many people are off from school or on vacation. So, if you’re looking to volunteer during the holidays, I recommend signing up sooner rather than later and keep volunteering throughout the year!

Alex Greene HeadshotAlex Greene: Writer. Dancer. Free Thinker. Artist. Healer. Sewist. Trauma Survivor. Atheist. Lifelong Learner. But mostly a complicated and completely flawed human being.