4 Pieces of Advice for Parents of Suicidal Teens

Date Posted

March 3, 2021


Father and Sad Teen Wearing a Hoodie scaled

Child psychiatrists Nancy Rappaport, MD, and Meredith Gansner, MD, recently co-authored an article entitled “More Young People are Dying By Suicide. Here’s How to Help.” In it, they discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on teen mental health. Rises in psychiatric emergency room visits and teen suicides, while not definitively linked to the pandemic, have prompted many parents to wonder what they could be doing to support their struggling teens. Drs. Rappaport and Gansner write that parents can

  • help teens create and follow through on new goals
  • monitor screen time
  • watch for red flags of worsening depression or suicidal intent
  • and create an emergency plan.

Read the full article by clicking on this link.

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